Coaching Values
Logical Strength's Motto is "Sound Training For All"
Athlete-Centered Coaching:
My aim is to coach the whole client. I hope to help you increase your understanding of training and nutrition, teach you how to create effective habits that lead to sustainable progress, and guide you as you develop self-awareness and ownership of your performance in a manner that will bleed into other aspects of your life.
I am fully committed to being available to answer client questions in both a thorough and timely manner. Additionally, I encourage an open and honest, two-way communication model between coach and athlete. We will be able to make more progress when we are sharing information with each other. I firmly believe that a strong coach-athlete relationship built on trust can improve results.
Process-Oriented Coaching:
We all love results, and I can guide you toward your goals. However, it is important to also focus on the process. I aim to help athletes identify and focus on what it is they enjoy about training and improving their nutrition and lifestyle habits. We can set process-oriented goals and stack up wins that allow us to gain momentum and a deeper appreciation for both training and nutritional progress. In turn, focusing on the process usually improves the results as a byproduct.
My hope to provide personalized coaching services goes beyond an exercise or nutrition program customized to your individual circumstances, experience, and goals. Additionally, I aim to coach you as an individual. I will meet you where you are, and we will work together to develop a relationship that fits your wants, needs, and the type of feedback you prefer and respond to best.
Continued Education:
Learning and development is an on-going process. I promise to do my best to continue to develop as a coach in the areas of training, nutrition, sport psychology, and coach-athlete communication. I am never satisfied with my current understanding, and I am committed continuously trying to improve the coaching services I offer.
You've probably noticed that several iterations of the Logical Strength logo incorporate two logical operator symbols.
∀ The Universal Quantifier symbolizes "For All."
∃ The Existential Quantifier symbolizes "There Exists."
A sound argument is one that is valid and has true premises. In other words, an argument being sound is a good thing.
Taken together, these ideas and the Logical Strength name convey a few things.
First, they express a deeply held belief that there exists strength for each individual and that powerlifting and strength training can be empowering no matter who you are or what your background is.
Second, they express Logical Strength's aim to provide logical and sound training and nutrition guidance for all. My aim is to work collaboratively with those I coach to develop reasonable approaches that set them up for long-term progress.